Progressive Youth Care and Consultancy

Choices, not chances,
creates one’s destiny.

We provide youth services to those most in need in a tailored and supportive way that empowers our most vulnerable to reconnect and rediscover themselves so that they live the best life they deserve.

Our Vision

We endeavour to see our youth be resilient and contribute to their community knowing that they are thriving and able to plan their future living their best life.

Our Values

We foster social justice, equality and participation so that our youth and people feel valued and respected. 

We promote leadership by providing programs for our resident youth that enrich and endorse participation as well as create opportunities for personal development.

We promote and practice inclusive behaviours to ensure we show people how to serve others.

Our Services

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Social Work Services

Youth Work Support & Mentoring

Crisis Support

Bespoke Services


Contact Progressive Youth Care and Consulting